October 2, 2011


I know you ladies have seen Mrs Carrie's new bangs.  I dont know how much I like them. Now don't get me wrong, Carrie is totally just gorgeous, but I am just not big on bangs..on anyone at all..  Ohh But look at those killers legs.. Please tell us your secrets Carrie... 
You know how you can go to some concerts..well a lot actually.. and the singers just do NOT sound like they do on the radio or on cd because it's not edited.  Carrie is one of the only,..and i mean ONLY singers who sounds exactly the same no matter what or where she is performing!

Well at this time next Sunday, the 9th, I will be a married woman.  I am just super excited.  So much to still get done in so little of time.  But it's going to all be worth it.  Monday morning we are getting up bright and early to eat a farewell breakfast with our parents. (and whoever can make it out of bed from breakfast) Then we are setting off to Tennessee for our honeymoon. We are staying in the mountains for a week in a secluded cabin. 



  1. Dang it! I should get a room just to have a farewell breakfast with you.

  2. Hi, Samantha,
    It all sounds so perfect! I wish you
    all the best, you know that.
    Yeah, the bangs thing is a tough one,
    once you cut them they are a pain to
    grow out, really annoying. But they
    look good on some people. The girls
    on the soaps are cutting bangs.
    I hope you aren't doing anything new
    to your hair right now. I remember
    reading NEVER to try anything new to
    your appearance near to your wedding in case it's a disaster and you don't like
    it. I know you are a smart gal but it's
    the mom in me coming out in my middle
    years! I have to hold myself in check
    with my daughter sometimes.
    I'll be thinking of you next weekend.
    Warm Regards,


I love to hear what all of you sweet girls have to say. I read each and every comment and try to resond to them as well. If you have any thing you would like to say no in a comment, you can always email me at samanthaflanders@live.com